“Anybody can sell steak. But if you can sell odds and ends of one thing or another, then you’re doing something.”
– Frank Bellissimo, Owner of Anchor Bar, where Buffalo Wings were ‘invented’
Buenos Aires – We all know from posts here and elsewhere that locals aren’t fond of spicy food, for the most part. So combining that with being around 5,400 miles away from Buffalo, NY, it should come as no surprise that Buffalo Wings haven’t exactly caught on like wildfire here in town. For the most part, the places that serve them are casual, norteamericano hangouts. Still, being a favorite snack, it seems a good quest to take on – the search for the best “hot wings” in town. Now, criteria were left pretty loose. The classic Wing, not referred to with the Buffalo appellation in its hometown, is a lightly smoked and deep-fried wing section (drumsticks or “flats” or both, but not generally the wingtip), which is then tossed in a vinegar and cayenne based sauce and served with a side of celery sticks and blue cheese dressing. But the variations begin from there and branch out in a myriad of ways. Listed in the order we tried ’em.

The “hot wings” at
Cilantro, Anchorena 1122, Recoleta, are not so hot. Not that they’re not good, they are, but they’re just not particularly spicy. They are wok-fried, and then tossed in a sauce of soy, mild to medium chilies, onions, honey, and a few Asian spices, and are served 10 pieces to an order for a price-tag of $15. They’re good, and perfectly satisfying for what they are, though I’m tempted to disqualify them from the true hot wing category. Instead I’ll give them an award for “
Most Offbeat Semi-Hot Wings“, mostly because we really liked them….

Hottest Wings award goes to
Amaranta, Junín 1559, Recoleta, a favorite spot for breakfast, lunch, and brunch among the
norteamericano set. Not surprising that they offer up wings – and they offer them up with a choice of any of a quintet of sauces, and in portions of 7, 14, 21, or 28 wings, progressively less expensive apiece the more you order. The “Buffalo” sauce is a mix of oil, vinegar, four types of dried chilies and various other herbs and spices. The wings are baked in the sauce rather than fried, so the texture is different from the “norm”,
i.e., they don’t have that nice golden, crispy skin, but the sauce is fiery and delicious, though not remotely “Buffalo” in style. They’re served up with a side of carrot, celery and cucumber sticks with Ranch dressing.
[Amaranta closed in December 2009]
Hard Rock Cafe offers up about as textbook classics as you can get. Though I wouldn’t order a different version, it’s good that they offer variations – instead of deep-fried you can opt for grilled (the wings are all pre-smoked so, it also only takes a few moments to get them as they simply dump them in the deep-fryer and get ’em hot and smoking), and a choice of barbecue, “Classic Rock” (mildly spicy), and “Heavy Metal”, which the bartender assured me was
muy, muy picante. Not really. About the same as tabasco sauce, which is what it basically is. I also like that the wings are properly hickory smoked before being finished in the fryer. The wings are good, inexpensive (22 pesos for a dozen), in fact without a side-by-side, I couldn’t tell the difference from El Alamo’s (the next spot we headed to), though the celery sticks on the side are a little icy from the refrigerator and the blue cheese dressing a bit too runny and not particularly cheesy. Big plus for the wetnaps on the side, they do help with cleanup at the end. And, for a noisy spot, chain restaurant or not, HRC certainly tops the skeevy atmosphere at El Alamo – fix the dressing and they’d win, but either way, I’d rather be here than at El Alamo, at least at night so
I’m giving them a tie for Best Classic Buffalo Wings.
[Edited, July 2010 after hearing negatives about changes, and heading over to resample them myself] It’s a close call between these and the ones at Hard Rock Cafe. Both offer about as textbook wings as you can get – right out of the description in the opening paragraph. Tangy with vinegar, moderately spicy with cayenne, properly deep fried, though not smoked
– on latest visit they were ice cold in center, clearly having been just reheated from frozen. Celery sticks (plus carrot sticks here) on the side.
El Alamo, Uruguay 1175, Recoleta,
edges HRC out in two areas – a bottle of really good Brazilian hot sauce on the side for those who want to add more heat, and, more importantly, a rockingly good blue cheese dressing, filled with chunks of cheese
– good hot sauce no longer offered, and the blue cheese dressing is now a puree and insipid – possibly even just a bottled dressing. On the other hand, the ambiance here, at least at night (I’d go during the day only), sucks, unless you enjoy being in a chokingly smoke-filled room (customers and staff smoking in the restaurant – illegal in this city), the frat boy mentality of both staff and a large percentage of customers, and the
hookers, errr, young ladies, hired to hang out and get the boys to drink more. Also, while I have no problem with the
20 30 peso minimum at night (paid at the door, with a ticket good to be redeemed against one item), I do have a problem with the bartender looking at my
20 peso wing order (12 wings) 28 pesos, 15 wings and my 12 peso beer, and saying “I’ll use your admission ticket for the beer and just charge you for the wings.” Umm, no, you’ll use it for the wings and I’ll pay for the beer. Yet, I noted up and down the bar him pulling the tickets to pay for a beer and charging people for the more expensive stuff. Here’s a hint, that’s called theft, or at the very least, cheating.
Maybe they got some complaints on this, this time we got asked for our tickets and they were applied to the whole bill. The only way I’d go back here would be at lunchtime when the atmosphere is calmer, you can relax and watch a game on TV.
[As of early 2016, El Alamo no longer serves their own food, but has turned the kitchen over to El Tejano, an expat favorite for Texas style BBQ, and the food is now the real reason to go there, even more than the sports!]

It was a given going into a classic Argentine bar that
alitas picantes wouldn’t be particularly spicy, at least not by “our” standards. I have to admit, I expected a bit more spice for something they bill as
muy picante, especially after the bartender assured me that they were not only spectacularly good, but really spicy too. Of course, when she served them, she also plunked down a bottle of tabasco on the side and said, “You might want this,” so she may have known the real score. The wings first – deep-fried until perhaps just a bit too overcooked – falling off the bone yes, but also somewhat shriveled up and dried out – I was actually a touch thankful there were only six of them on the plate – 16 pesos, making them fairly pricey “per wing”, though, they’re served up with a whole mess of pretty good french fries, which makes up for that in some fashion or another. The sauce – stewed tomato, green and red bell peppers, onion, and a couple of bay leaves – more or less what here is called
a la pomarola.
Nada picante. Tasty, in its own way, and made for a nice sauce for the fries, but Buffalo style they ain’t. Points, one supposes, for
Argentine Reinterpretation of Hot Wings at
Portezuelo, Vicente López 2160, in Village Recoleta. Major points for what may be the best stocked bar I’ve seen in over four years in Buenos Aires.

Entering a
Hooters is one of those things that I’d always classed in “on a cold day in hell” – at the very least, it was a cold day on the canal, Puerto Madero that is, at Alicia Moreau de Justo 840, canal side of the building. It’s an amusing location, basically just across the street from the backyard of the Casa Rosada, so if
La Presidenta Cristina wants to slip out for a snack, or play with a hula-hoop or pick up a little extra cash…. It’s one of those things that I kinda sorta just don’t get the concept – not because I’m gay and don’t happen to be into the Hooters girls, but because it seems to me like the Midwestern shopping mall version of a strip club, without the stripping. And, on this cold day, it was even more toned down – one of the two girls in attendance had on her requisite scanty orange satin shorts, but a big puffy orange down jacket zipped up to the neck, and the other was wearing a pair of puffy orange sweatpants, presumably the other half of the first girl’s outfit, and had on two layered black long sleeve sweaters. So that left Hooters to stand on its own with its road sign decor, blasting rock music, and what I will charitably call food. The wings, which admittedly are neither referred to as Buffalo nor Hot, but simply Hooters Chicken Wings, are available in portions of 10, 20, or 50, or 20 with a bottle of champagne ($20, $35, $65, and $120, respectively), the last for anyone who might possibly be able to find the setting romantic. They are offered breaded or “nude”, and with BBQ, mild, hot, or “3 Mile Island” sauces. We ordered a platter of 20 with the last sauce, and half breaded and half not. Three Mile Island has apparently cooled off quite a bit – the sauce was little more than tomatoes, paprika, and a whole hell of a lot of black pepper. The wings themselves, just pretty much disgusting – we were clearly famished given that we actually ate several of them – they’d clearly been frozen before being dumped into the deep fryer, and here and there where a portion of one had been left sticking out of the oil, it was still frozen. The fact that they were left in the fryer for more than 15 minutes (we could see into the open kitchen from our table) meant that where they did cook, they were pretty much desiccated. Since I’m creating awards here, I’ll give them
Most Disgusting Wings to Be Put On a Plate.

As long as we were in Puerto Madero, we moved on a block or so to the south to one of the two in-town outposts of T.G.I. Friday’s, falling at number 1010. Now, in general, my problem with the chain is two-fold: first, the uniforms – I don’t mind the whole cluttered kitschy decor thing, but the waitresses festooned in ribbons and buttons and charms and worst of all, silly stupid hats, does nothing for the ambiance; and secondly, almost everything is too sweet, and here in BA, it’s even worse than I recall back in the States. I’ll say upfront that thankfully, the Buffalo Wings here come in a portion of only 8, and are the most expensive, at $25. I say thankfully, because having just had a wretched experience at Hooters, these were equally bad in their own way. First, the wings were really small, and really, really, really overcooked, even slightly burned in some spots, tasting as if they’d been fried in borderline rancid oil. They’re served without sauce, which comes in a ramekin on the side – choice of BBQ, mild, hot, and red hot. The red hot we were served was a vaguely brick orange sauce that tasted of roasted peppers, Worcestershire sauce and old frying oil – nothing remotely spicy in it, and hanging around the corner of Odd and Yuck. Our waitress seemed shocked when we asked for actual hot sauce, and tried to talk us out of a bottle of tabasco sauce, insisting that what we had was the “hottest sauce they have” and was unwilling to consider that perhaps we’d really not gotten the red hot sauce, but maybe the extra extra mild, garnering them The Hot Wings that Really, Really Weren’t award. Even with tabasco, however, these were barely edible, and we only finished half the plate, asked for the bill and left.
I was going to also go to the T.G.I. Friday’s at the Alto Palermo shopping center, just to see if it was different – I’ve been before for a burger, which was fine though nothing special. However, my dining companion from the previous night beat me to it and passed on this missive, so I’ll take his word for it and not waste my time:

The first time I went to
Drink Gallery, Chenault 1794 in Las Cañitas
[Closed], the industrial modern space was empty other than a waiter and bartender, acid rock was blasting at ear-splitting levels, and they were out of nearly everything on the menu, news delivered with a shrug and a “we’re not open tomorrow so we just figured we wouldn’t buy anything for today either and run out of as much as we could.” I tried calling a few times after to see if they were open, and had their “hot wings”, but the phone registered as out of service. We decided to take a chance and go back, they were open, music this time, The Beatles, at a more normal listening level (same two staff), a few people having drinks in the place. We ordered the wings and beer. Now, these have potential… sort of…. They took awhile to arrive and if I were to guess, the wings were fresh, uncooked rather than precooked as they were everywhere else, had been deep-fried to order, resulting in the meatiest and juiciest dozen of any place we checked out, and with a lovely, golden, crispy, crackly skin. Perfect. They were, however, just barely brushed with a hint of sauce, not even enough to determine if it was
picante or not, so I asked for more. Turns out not, and that’s a shame with wings that wonderful. The sauce is little more than oil, salt, and what I’d guess is just hot paprika, or perhaps some sort of other very mild pepper, could even be a mix, it was just too subtle to tell. On the side, strange – two piles of carrots, one pile nice, crisp, raw carrots, the other, chilled but cooked until limp carrots. The ramekin filled with pretty much just mashed up blue cheese, not a dressing. Not easy to “dip” the raw carrots into, forget about it with the cooked ones. So, hmm… how about an award for
Wings with the Most Potential?

Now, I realize that everyone (still) likes to joke about how bland British food is. And there’s some truth to it, no question. But come on, it’s not like they don’t eat spice at all – look at all those “Brick Lane Curry Houses” – Indian food, Indonesian food – and more, even if it’s not classic English cuisine. So when a small, somewhat dingy British pub pimps for their
alitas de pollo en salsa picante you expect at least something at the tabasco sauce level. Not so much at
King’s Town, Jufre 102 in Villa Crespo. The wings, ten to a bowl, had an odd, washed out and slightly metallic flavor, and strange texture, and it took a moment to realize they’d been boiled, probably in plain water, to pre-cook them, and then left sitting in a refrigerator until needed, at which point they were tossed in a fryer, tossed in the bowl, and then had a scoop of tomato sauce ladled over them. Plain tomato sauce. Not much more than crushed tomato pulp, probably out of a can, with some salt, pepper, and a whole lot of oregano. Even our waitress, when we didn’t finish them and said “they’re not really very spicy” admitted that they were
poco picante, aun para porteños (barely spicy, even for locals). The place has a nice beer selection. We also sampled their onion rings, which were quite good, however, I’m still going to have to give them the award for
Blandest Imitation of a Hot Wing. Ever.
I’ve been holding off on publishing this post because I was waiting for the re-opening of Sugar, the expat bar in Palermo, where, rumor had it, they had amazingly good and rockingly spicy hot wings. Unfortunately, after a two week closure, they’ve decided that complying with the city’s codes for food service in a bar were just too onerous and given that food was a very small percentage of their sales, have opted to re-open as strictly a bar, no food. The kitchen is closed with the intention that it stay that way. So, we may never know. [Not long after this they reopened the kitchen – review here.]
If anyone knows of other spots in town that serve up some version of Buffalo or hot wings, send a note or leave a comment, we’ll check ’em out and add ’em to the list.
[To the only followup place so far, Casa Bar]

Man! That sure is a whole lot wings, Dan. I really appreciate all you do in the name of research and to help your readers. Now, go run a few laps.
It’s an enviable job, no?
Wowza….comprehensive thoughts on wings! TGI Friday in BA?? I dunno why, but that seems sad to me.
I found your site (well actually your closed restaurant) on a fodors blog…I love the idea! My husband and I will be in Buenos Aires this Sept. Do you happen to have any good scoops on a small boutique hotel? I’ve looked at a few and cannot decide.
Now I’m going to peruse your blog and take notes on restaurants! Thanks for all your great info!
TGIF has been here for years, there’s also a zillion McDonald’s and half a zillion Burger Kings, a half dozen Starbucks (though that’s new, over the last year or so), there was a Planet Hollywood, KFC and Wendy’s, all of which failed, there’s, as noted in the post, a Hard Rock Cafe and Hooter’s (the third one to open here, the first two closed, who knows how long this one will last).
There are lots of little boutique hotels and B&Bs – my favorite of the latter to recommend is Posada Palermo or for hotels that are of the “boutique” style – there are so many… Art Hotel in Recoleta or the Mine Hotel in Palermo, or Home Hotel, also there – I’ve sent people to all of them and they’ve been happy.
I’d be remiss, of course, if for restaurants, I didn’t recommend my own! 😉
Oh…Thaank you so much! Certainly planning for your restaurant! I have looked at so many hotel/pousadas that I can’t make a decision….Thanks for your reco’s!! You are great…I’m finding all sorts of ideas from your site!
[…] Aires, in Puerto Madero, at Alicia Moreau de Justo 1798, on the canal side. Having recently had two dreadful Puerto Madero “dining” experiences, and I use that term at the loosest possible, and generally avoiding eating in the area anyway, I […]
[…] we wanted to make was hot wings. I got a real craving for them after reading Dan Perlman’s roundup post about hot wings in Buenos Aires. (SaltShaker is a great BA blog, if you like food, and who doesn’t, and if you like blogs, in […]
[…] one more hot wings entry, simply because I didn’t find out about it until recently, when a regular reader posted […]
The absolute and undisputed best Buffalo style hot Wings in Buenos Aires are at the Casa Bar in Recoleta. Made with world famous ” Frank’s ” hot sauce. These are the the real deal! They offer real bleu cheese dressing and also will serve up Hidden Valley ranch dressing if you desire.
The Casa Bar is the Hot Wing King in not only Buenos Aires, but all of South America. During Happy Hour you get a free pint with your order. Do not take my word for it and I recommend you check this place out for yourself. If the wings are not hot enough for you “Spicemeisters” you will find bottles of Tobasco sauce and just about any other hot sauce available. BTW – This place has the most killer liquor and beer selection as they so proudly boast. Gringos flock to this place to chow down on the wings and watch American sports.
Great blog!
Jason, I’ll let your enthusiasm go, even though you’re repeating what I already said in my followup to this post where I reviewed it separately, and, given that your IP links back to Casa Bar, I gather you work for the business in some capacity or another. I’ll stand by my assessment in that post however – while it’s certainly a more enjoyable atmosphere than El Alamo or Hard Rock (and that’s just here within Buenos Aires, let alone “all of South America”), the wings weren’t quite as good, nor as spicy as either of them, though quite close – and I do recommend it, because they’re good and I did like the place. I do find your note about the “any other hot sauce available” interesting – I asked about hot sauce that was spicier and was told there was just more of the same sauce the wings were in, and for an extra charge (which the menu also states), so I passed on it. If the waitresses are supposed to have access to something spicier, and be able to simply bring it to the table, they need to be told that.
Well Dan I do not work for the bar, though I often utilize the free WiFi access available as I happen to do quite frequently being I live close by. They did tone down the spice for the Argentine pallet, but you can get them as spicey as you want. They use a brand of hotsauce called Frank’s Red Hot ( Google it ) that is shipped in. They use to use a sause apply named “Fuzzys Butt Burnin’ Hot Sauce which was brutal. The Owner originally made his own sauce, but again too spicey and hot for the Argentine pallet.
Granted it depends who is working in the kitchen that effects the finished product though they have a pretty consistency for a new place and a large and loyal following. I recommend we put together a Wing team and to a tour. As for your opinion of the other places I have tried them all and will cast my vote for Casa Bar. You can find me here many nights with sticky fingers typing on my laptop and enjoying a beer. As for the “All of South America” comment well Jeepers Crow I was just funn’in.
BTW close second is The Drink Gallery.
Note: I am no food critic and live more by the saying, “Opinions are like *@# *%#s, everyone has one and they all stinks.” Ja Ja Ja
PS I am waiting for some place to serve up a great submarine sandwich.
At least when we went, Drink Gallery’s wings, while good, weren’t spicy at all, even with a request for more hot sauce – if they make hot ones, they certainly weren’t serving them that night. As to a tour, we already did that (depending on the night, anywhere from 2-4 of us) and we went out and tasted these, that’s how the reviews came about in the first place – so these were already a consensus of several people. I’m familiar with Frank’s Red Hot Sauce, and if they’re shipping it in, great, it’s a good sauce, but it’s not an overly spicy one. I hope you don’t mind, since you don’t work for the bar, or even if you do, that I removed the repeated linkage to their website. I’ll stick with the “hottest” wings being at Amaranta, even if they’re not classic Buffalo-style – and obviously it’s not a nighttime hangout place, it’s a daytime lunch and early dinner spot. For the classics, hottest go to El Alamo, though I don’t like the place, so I’d have to agree with Jason that I’d much rather be at Casa Bar, who, along with Hard Rock Cafe, come in a close third and fourth on heat.
why do you think el alamo is skeevy at night? its the best party bar ive been to in the city! everyone is friendly and fun. i was just curious. and they have good fries.
Gee, umm, I thought I explained that pretty well in the description of the place above…. Of course, maybe my skeevy equals your “party bar”. That and maybe that they’re notorious in expat circles for making sure that the upstairs bar isn’t just stocked with booze, but women who are available for a fee….
And just a followup to previous commentary, since things have changed – Amaranta is now closed, and Casa Bar, I’d say, has moved into first position over the others, particularly on the occasional night when they have their “extra-picante” available, which is when owner Patrick, whom I’ve gotten to know, gets in some habaneros….
[…] pesos – that’s about 50% more than at some of our favorite wing spots like Casa Bar or Hard Rock, where you get a dozen for around 30-35 pesos, accompanied in both cases by ranch and blue cheese, […]
[…] little restaurants and bars, strip mall style. Nothing of great note, an interesting bar called Portezuelo that offers up a selection of wines by the glass and numerous single malt scotches, and Jota P. Ese […]