The Last Post?

So, this has been brewing in the background for awhile, as I’ve started duplicating, and separately writing, over on my Substack feed, Don’t Fry For Me Argentina. Over time, the number of active visitors to SaltShaker, as well as email subscribers, has steadily dropped. I get it, this is two decades long, and through much of it, the mainstay readers were local expats, family, and friends. Certainly people looking to visit Buenos Aires would wander in, especially if they searched for restaurant reviews, but they weren’t a big number of folk.

Add to that that working with WordPress, the background program for this blog has become more and more difficult, as they’ve switched to a different form of coding that, simply, I don’t want to invest the time in learning. The old system still works, but more… clunkily… and here and there features are starting to disappear, or simply not get updated.

For the moment, this will be the last post here. I’m going to switch over to just writing on Substack. In many ways it’s more convenient for readers – you can still subscribe, or simply visit, and, for those who like “apps”, there’s a Substack app where you can read a nicely formatted version of both my writing and any others that you choose to subscribe to. It also allows me to have some content that will be, for lack of a better term, premium, for people who have a paid for subscription. I do plan to keep the majority of it free, at least for now.

I will be keeping this site up – both for the near 20 year history of searchable stuff, as well as things like my pages and maps of favorites and such, there will just be some back and forth linking.

So, come on over to the new space! (If you’re on this website, there’s an easy subscription box over there in the right-hand column.) If you’re used to receiving my posts via email, you’ll just need to subscribe there to continue to receive them.



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