Buenos Aires – Quite simply, look for this film. Esperando La Carroza (a double entendre that could mean “Waiting for the Hearse” or in this case “Waiting for the Old Bat” to use the English vernacular) is a hysterically funny Argentine film from 1985. The basic premise is three brothers and their wives fighting over who has to take care of Mama, with the brothers all being their pious best while bowing to the sharp tongues of their wives, none of whom want Mama in their house, and all of whom would more or less prefer that she kicked off, soon, a wish that they almost get. Mama, a rather crazy old bat, who can’t help feeling a bit useless, jumps in and trys to help with anything and everything, is funny, but the real comic genius scenes are the interactions between the wives. There are some very funny food scenes as well, one involving mayonnaise and a couple involving ravioli. The film is in Argentine Spanish, but has English subtitles available on the DVD version if you need them.

Sounds like a good film. One of my favorite movies is Hijo de la Novia, another good Argentine movie.