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Reporter Anil Mundra features Casa SaltShaker in a video presentation on puertas cerradas in BsAs.
Dinner reviews from our Casa SaltShaker evenings
Reporter Anil Mundra features Casa SaltShaker in a video presentation on puertas cerradas in BsAs.
“Children don’t read to find their identity, to free themselves from guilt, to quench the thirst for rebellion or to get rid of alienation. They have no use for psychology…. They still believe in God, the family, angels, devils, witches, goblins, logic, clarity, punctuation, and other such obsolete stuff…. When a book is boring, they… Read More Dinner of Spooks
A question for regular, and irregular, readers of the blog. As many of you know, I’ve been hard at work on a Casa SaltShaker cookbook. Part of me wants to have it simply be a recipe book, with a touch of the background and the story behind some of the dishes, and part wants to… Read More Over to You…
“The burning Macedonian forests sing new songs, new news. Macedonia is liberated. Liberty lives! – from the Macedonian National Anthem There was a time, many moons ago, when I could have told you the entire geography of Europe, hell, probably most of the world, along with various things like capital cities, primary languages, religions, etc.… Read More Land of the Vergina Sun
“It’s difficult to name a dish that is typically Indonesian, because many favorite recipes and flavors come from other countries.” – Cooking the Indonesian Way, by Kari Connell and Merry Anwar Recently I’ve gotten quite a few e-mails asking for more details on exactly what it is that we’re doing in our cooking classes. The… Read More 17,508 Islands. 3 Vegan Dishes.
“Private dining rooms within restaurants have always been popular even if something of a contradiction in that restaurants are ostensibly public, egalitarian places which people visit to see and to be seen.” – Nick Lander, Financial Times We’ve hosted a good number of private dinners over the last four years. Generally, they’re bigger groups –… Read More Dining Duo
“On the occasion of World Food Week and World Food Day 2009, let us reflect on those numbers and the human suffering behind them. Crisis or no crisis, we have the know-how to do something about hunger. We also have the ability to find money to solve problems when we consider them important. Let us… Read More World Feed
“This is a chance for rabbit lovers all over the world to celebrate their special bunnies and the joy they bring us on a daily basis.” – Indiana House Rabbit Society Going back a couple of weeks to just before I left… Anything is fair game for the cookpot here at Casa SaltShaker, and just… Read More Eating Rabbit