You can see Buenos Aires in the lower left, where I started out on Wednesday morning, crossing over to Colonia on the Uruguay side, via ferry. At that point the Rio de la Plata is roughly 34 miles across, the distance via ferry to the capital of Montevideo is just over 100 miles. It’s a big river. The first day we started in and just outside of the city of Colonia itself, and then headed up along the river to Carmelo, pretty much to the point you see that little spit of land sticking out at the lower edge of the delta. (You can also see further up along the west coast the town of Fray Bentos that I mentioned in my last post in regard to the disputed paper pulp plant.) Then we headed back south and east into Montevideo. On Thursday we started out in the province of Canelones, just north of Montevideo, and then headed west into the province of San Jose, which I’ll get to in just a moment. Friday, as well, we zipped around in those two provinces. Saturday we’re about to head east to the city of Punte del Este, which is in the province of Maldonado, and then we’ll come back here, I’ll spend the night, and then head back home to Buenos Aires tomorrow.
In regard to the wine world, some 79% of all the vineyards in Uruguay are in the areas of Canelones and San Jose, basically within about 50 miles of Montevideo. Another 18% are in the province of Colonia, the remaining 3% are scattered here and there – in PaysandĂș, Salto, Durazno, Rivera, and Maldonado. Most of those latter areas, however, have no more than one or two wineries, and the majority of vineyards in those areas are owned by wineries in the primary areas, grapes are sent in for processing.

[…] Buenos Aires – It’s a rainy day today, so I’ll go with a second post that’s been in the works for awhile. A few weeks back I did an early Saturday morning introduction to the geography of Uruguay, and have realized that I’ve never done the same for Argentina. This has been underscored recently by series of e-mails with friends, readers, and clients, who seem to be under the impression that Argentina is some little dot of a country, somewhere down there (vague hand wave in a southerly direction). I honestly don’t mean this to be condescending, so for those of you who take some of the following information for granted, please don’t take it that way. I’m responding to actual misconceptions on the part of folk I’ve corresponded with in various parts of the world. Let’s narrow it down bit by bit. First, Argentina is in South America. Not Africa (similar shape, different continent). Not Australia. It’s not the capital of Brasil. Nor Venezuela. [Thanks to all the various websites from which I’ve lifted the following maps.] […]