Buenos Aires – I’ve been managing to avoid being subjected to massive breakfasts for several weeks, especially those containing loads of eggs. The concept of cholesterol seems to be a mystery to folks here, perhaps it’s really just a figment of our overactive, hypochondriachal north american imaginations. But Sunday morning turned into a lazy, reading the paper and hanging out sort of morning, and I was sent to the kitchen to come up with something for brunch. We had all the makings of a decent frittata, so I started out by thinly slicing a couple of potatoes, layering them with a julienned bell pepper and a couple of chopped green onions. Below and above each layer I salted, peppered (black pepper and pimienta amarillo, or Peruvian yellow pepper), a little bit of thyme, a dash of olive oil, and dotted with butter. Half a dozen eggs, whipped in a bowl until a little bit frothy, poured over the whole thing, and tossed in the oven at high heat (400°F) for roughly half an hour until it was puffy and browned on top. Served it up with some sliced tomato. That’s the kind of egg brunch I can eat…
Henry wanted to go to the theater – some sort of major theatrical production. Since I’d seen The Producers in New York, and know the show, I figured that would help with following Los Productores in Spanish. It’s also coming to the end of its run here, so it was a good time to go see it.
It was nearly as good as the Broadway production. A somewhat smaller theater, but they got the set right. The two main actors, Enrique Pinti and Guillermo Francella are, or certainly appear to be, significantly older than, respectively, Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane, which sort of made the jokes about the Leo Bloom character’s age a bit off. Nonetheless, they’re both great comic actors and pulled the show off quite well. MarÃa Rojà as Ula was fantastic; while not as slinky perhaps as Cady Huffman was in the original; she’s got a far better voice, and singing-wise, was the star of the show. The only other interesting note… there are a couple of jokes in the middle of the show about Nazis in Argentina… hmmm… the audience didn’t seem to find them all that funny. Might have been better to write that little part out for the Buenos Aires production.

[…] away from the performance a bit pensive. The last major show I went to here in Buenos Aires was The Producers. There are a few jokes in the show about Nazis in Argentina. I mentioned at the time that when […]