Buenos Aires – South American Silverside, or as it is known here, Pejerrey, is one of those cute little fish that firms up nicely when cooked, and takes well to fairly strong flavors. It’s fast becoming one of my favorite fish to cook with, because it’s so easy to work with. Dinner last night was a simple preparation of pejerrey fillets sauteed in lightly browned butter that’s been flavored with wasabi and miso. I used about 3 tablespoons of butter, add 1 teaspoon of wasabi paste and 1 tablespoon of shiro miso, and then let it cook until the butter just began to color. At that pointed I added the fish fillets (no extra salt, the miso provides enough), browned them on both sides, and removed them to a plate. A handful of cherry tomatoes, halved, cooked in the remaining brown butter over high heat until they were warmed through and just softened. Served the whole thing on top of some crispy lettuce leaves. Happy campers here!
Short post because I’m just taking a few minute break in the preparation of tonight’s Casa SaltShaker dinner – The English Renaissance Feast. Small group as our one large party cancelled Wednesday afternoon, but such is life for a couple of restaurateurs… it was going to happen sooner or later.