Interview and a Show

“Wow, you’re saying better things than I am, and this is my interview!”

– Aaron Spelling, Producer

Buenos Aires – A new article, an interview I wrote, just came out in the October issue of Passport magazine. The interview was with Jamie Taylor, co-owner of Flux Bar here in Buenos Aires. As always, for posterity, a copy is up on my website.

Last night found Henry and I at the one night only performance here of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles. Excellent show, they thoughtfully planned out a mixed bag of songs in a variety of genres, but most importantly, a mix of English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese languages – they’re on a performance tour of several South American countries. A few of the leaders of the chorus gave brief comments in English, with translators standing by to re-offer them in Spanish – strangely, the executive director of the chorus refused to let his translator translate – a bad move, as he told a few jokes and made a presentation of a certificate, and those in the audience who didn’t speak English didn’t have a clue what was happening. He made a decent joke about the certificate – from the new Latino mayor of Los Angeles (which drew applause) to the current mayor of Buenos Aires (which drew hisses) thanking him for the hospitality. He went on to say that they’d tried to get the same from president GW to local president Kirchner, but that GW was busy in Hollywood starring in The Devil Wears Prada 2, directed by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez… That would have been worth translating for the local folk.

Henry was quite upset that I didn’t bring my camera along (I’m still not used to the permission to take photos in virtually and public performance here, complete with flash), especially for after the show when the chorus all lined up out front in a sort of reception line – he wanted his photo taken with various and sundry of them. He’ll live.


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