There is nothing but water in the holy pools. I know, I have been swimming there. All the gods sculpted of wood or ivory can’t say a word. I know, I have been crying out to them. The Sacred Books of the East are nothing but words. I looked through their covers one day sideways. What Kabir talks of is only what he has lived through. If you have not lived through something, it is not true.”
– Kabir, 15th Century Indian Philosopher, Mystic, Poet
I spent the other day with a couple of new friends visiting from Oregon, who have been reading the blog for awhile. They wanted a bit of a foodie tour, so we spent time out at the Mercado del Progreso, wandered several neighborhoods sightseeing, and sampled some different regional empanadas (turns out Mondays, alot of empanada shops are closed, note to self). The pond around the Rosedal was quiet, but pretty…

Very nice. Very “on golden pond.” 😉