For those who don’t spend their days perusing through the proposed regulations at the FDA website, the word is suddenly out, and unfortunately at last minute, that the FDA is considering a regulation that will allow manufacturers of “common products” to substitute cheap ingredients for more expensive ones if they think that consumers won’t notice. The uproar comes from the chocoholic community, as some of the prime pushers behind this regulation are apparently the folks at Hershey and Nestle, who want to be able to substitute low grade (and trans-fat laden) vegetable oils for cocoa butter, and call the product chocolate, instead of, as now, “chocolate flavored”. A good writeup on what’s proposed is Like Oil for Chocolate, available at Eating Liberally [website gone when rechecked in 2024]. The unfortunate thing is that today is the last day the FDA is taking comments on the issue on their site, which truly conveniently, is organized so that the expiring comment date is sorted in reverse order, i.e., anything expiring today is on the last page of proposed regulations, which means paging through a dozen pages to find it. The original poster on the blog referenced above gives a link to a walk-through guide, which, unfortunately, comes up as a blank white page when I try it – maybe the chocolate manufacturers got it shut down? Just to propose a conspiracy theory for the heck of it. Non-U.S. based folks or citizens can comment too, as “International Visitors”.

I just sent an e-mail with a link to your site to the Newcomer´s group. I also just submitted my comments. What rubbish. I have never seen the US act like such a third world country since I can remember. But then again I have different perspective looking at it from the outside. Were we always like this?
Thank you for alerting me to this, Dan. I just submitted my comments to the FDA.
i’m pretty sure that in england, chocolate is made the cheaper way and it’s always been called ‘chocolate’. the problem with this was when other EU countries (particularly the swiss and french) refused to accept english ‘chocolate’ unless it was called something else. i seem to remember that the english recently won their battle but i could be mistaken…as an aside, i love english chocolate, vegetable fats and all…
Washington Post followup today.
Apparently in Europe this measure went through years ago. Your crappy chocolate like product would most likely come under the brand of Cadbury. It looks like this measure was also already voted on here in Argentina and it was approved. There is more infomation on this (in Spanish) at the following link:
Frank E. Almeida
yeah, cadbury’s is sooo good…it’s what we’ve been brought up on in the Uk so it’s what our taste buds have got used to. most british people prefer british crappy chocolate to real swiss chocolate…personally i like both but i do miss a good dairy milk or galaxy…there’s good chocolate over here in chile down in the south where all the german descendents are. i guess it’s the same over in argentina around bariloche. and maybe cordoba where there’s a big german population.