If you hire a billboard, and you write what you’re saying on the billboard, I don’t think it’s an invasion of privacy for the FBI driving by to look at the billboard and read it.”
– John Ashcroft, former U.S. Attorney General

I have no idea. There’s nothing on this advert to indicate what it’s for. I’m guessing at some point soon these will be changed to something else – probably they’re a teaser for a movie… As of a day or two ago, Plaza Congreso was ringed by them. I’m guessing even if you don’t speak Spanish you can pretty much figure out what this sign says.
And now, back to food…

My, my. Things seem a lot more free wheeling and uninhibited in BA.
Mystery revealed!
This morning I saw the complete billboard. It’s promotes gthe use of condoms to prevent AIDS.
Signed by Ministerio de Salud.
Funny, I just saw the whole poster today as well and was all set to update it when I got home.
I understand the intent – I’m not sure how “triki-triki” relates to a condom… but so be it.