“Questions are never indiscreet. Answers sometimes are.”
– Oscar Wilde, author
Buenos Aires – A couple of months ago I received a note from a charming young man in the San Francisco area who writes a blog called Cooking With The Single Guy. He wanted to reserve a spot at Casa SaltShaker, but in addition, wondered if he could come and spend the afternoon hanging out and chatting about food. While I work alone in the kitchen prepping for the dinners, it’s always nice to have some sort of auditory stimulation going on – when I’m on my own, the stereo in the living room gets cranked up to full volume so I can hear it in the kitchen – and a conversation is not only a different and welcome sort, but sometimes actually helps clarify what I’m doing in any given moment. So he popped by about six weeks ago and spent a couple of hours probing away at the origins of Casa S, my cooking career, and how I ended up here. He just published the interview on his blog this morning – it’s definitely the Reader’s Digest version of the several hours we spent together, as expected, but I think he did a nice job of presenting the gist of what we talked about – so if you’ve been wondering how it all got started – a) you haven’t been reading my blog long enough, and b) you have a chance to get another viewpoint at it….

If the guy spent so much time talking with you, it’s shame he never asked how to spell your name.
Hey, give him a break, it was six weeks ago, he’s a guy who likes to cook at home and blog about it, and visit people who cook while he travels, he’s not a professional interviewer or journalist, and he corrected the spelling within a couple of hours of posting it on his blog.
I enjoyed reading the interview, Dan. He did a great job with the questions and I enjoyed reading your responses.
So fun to see your picture on the blog – brought a big smile to my face!
Oh, ok, Dan. I will strive to remember that not everyone is a professional writer. Very good, nonetheless.