Hear, mortals, the sacred cry:
“Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”
Hear the noise of broken chains,
see the noble Equality enthroned.
Their most honorable throne have opened
the United Provinces of the South.
And the free ones of the world reply:
“To the Argentinian people, Hail!”– from the Argentine National Anthem
Vicente López – This suburban area just north of the city is named after writer, twice interim president – never elected, he just happened to be in the right place at the right time and was asked to fill in after the resignations of two different presidents – and author of the national anthem’s lyrics, some time exile, Vicente López y Planes. I spent a day up there this last week just wandering about – it’s a fairly large zone, generally divided into the este and oeste sides – I chose the west because there were a few things in particular I wanted to see on this trip – and, of course, there was a planned meal destination (which I couldn’t find and ended up eating elsewhere, but that’s another post). It’s definitely a pretty area, in general I would guess mostly upper middle class and upper class homes, and, the presidential residence.

The central park, Plaza Vicente López y Planes is beautifully tree lined…

And the man himself stands watch in the center of the plaza.

I just happened to like this urn… birdbath… no real idea what it was, but it was mounted up atop a tall pedestal.

I just had to – I mean, a town in this area that actually has pooper scooper and leash laws! What a novel concept… personal responsibility and concern for others and the environment in Argentina.

The ivy covered town cathedral…

…a building that simply caught my eye – modern, somewhat out of place – and clearly caught the eye of others, there’s a plaque on the wall that states the building won first prize in an Argentine architecture competition for the best renovation of a building.

The old Cine York theater, a landmark in town.

A monument to Juan Carlos Altavista, a movie actor famed for his character as a tramp, Minguito Tinguitella.

I didn’t have any trouble finding flower gardens here…

…or gorgeous flowering trees….

…or beautiful old colonial buildings…

…and ending up just after lunch at the local port, where riverboat tours leave from on the weekends, and a surrounding of little outdoor cafes and parrillas (where I should have eaten… but again, that’s another post).

wow….I went to that school when I used to live there….Jesus en el Huerto de Los Olivos se llamaba, y se sigue llamando creo.
Hermosa ciudad la verdad.
Muy lindas las fotos…gracias por haberlas puesto.