“We don’t care if these girls want to eat their men. That’s the Piranha Man’s problem. We just want the avocados.”
– Ford Maddox, in Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle
Buenos Aires – Can I just say that I find this video, the winner of the Avocado Video Bowl… mildly disturbing? (sorry, I can’t figure out how to have them not start playing simultaneously, but you can pause one…)
[Unfortunately the video site is gone and so are the videos – there’s one of the contest entries on youtube, but it’s not one of those from below, though it is just as silly.]
or this finalist…?

Actually I find the winner annoying and silly & the finalist rather disturbing! They could have at least left out the human mouth and given it a more fitting and less disturbing mouth!
The film’s complete title is: Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death. It’s said to be very funny.
It’s quite funny. One of those movies that’s so bad you can’t help but watch every minute of it. Over and over again.
[…] Aires – A couple of months ago I mentioned the movie Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death, in passing, and realized that I simply had […]