“It is a curious thing… that every creed promises a paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for anyone of civilized taste.”
– Evelyn Waugh, author
Buenos Aires – While it’s still fresh in my mind I wanted to post this review from last eve – I’m now in the deep south of Tierra del Fuego, and the rest of this week’s posts will likely be about the fun and frolic there – and then when I get back I’ll get around to this last weekend’s dinner and recipes. So, yet another spot that I’ve been hearing about for eons now, and for one reason or another never ate at – either they had no space or I simply didn’t think of them – but I’m happy to report that, for the most part, the “social paradise”, or Social Paraíso, Honduras 5182, Palermo, 4831-4556, is, while not a paradise of any sort, certainly a delightful place to eat. I have to admit, given as good as it was – simple and rustic, yet deliciously prepared food – that to be able to walk in on a Saturday evening and get a table for four was suprising – and, they never did fill up, while meanwhile, numerous other spots in the ‘hood, none of which are as good, had lines of folk waiting for tables. Location, location, location – Social Paraíso is in mid-block, and the places with lines were all corner spots – which, psychologically, for whatever bizarre reason (someone could do a study), carries more weight than the quality of the offerings. [Closed]
Service was friendly, adept, and helpful – only one quibble, which I’ll get to shortly. The place is clean and brightly lit, the staff seem much the same. One off-note, a puddle of water on the floor in front of the bar which none of them seemed to notice the entire evening – or perhaps it’s a permanent puddle and they’ve given up on ineffectual mopping. They’ve spared every expense on decor… that is to say, there isn’t any – blank white walls on all four sides, simple block tables and chairs – all very serviceable and functional though not overly warm and welcoming, though, as I said, the staff certainly were.
On to the food…

Being stuffed, we decided against desserts and headed out. So, the tally – food, excellent. Service, warm, welcoming, quite good, with slip-ups. Ambiance, meh. I like the place, I’ll be back, but despite the good food it doesn’t zoom up into my highly recommended category.

Didn’t know that you had categories :=) . How about a list of “highly recommended”.
Tom, if you look over there in the righthand column, there’s an alphabetical index – next to each restaurant listed there’s a recommendation level. While there’s not a separate one by that level, it’s a small matter to stick “highly” in your search (ctrl-F on many/most browsers) while on that page and find the ones that are quite quickly. Plus at the very top, my current top five.
[…] years ago a quartet of us popped into Social Paraiso, Honduras 5182 in Palermo, on a Saturday night and snagged a table without a problem. I noted that […]