“I think at the beginning, it was more of a chic thing to do for the very rich. But then as sushi was made more available to the general public… the fear factor of it broke down.”
– Sang Woo, author
Buenos Aires – When I wrote about Sushi Pop and Che Sushi, and have written about other sushi delivery spots here, they have all had their supporters and detractors. Everyone has a favorite and everyone has an opinion – I mean, can we get Kanye up here…? So I always take recommendations with a grain of salt, especially when it comes attached with a website advert. Still, on Samuel of Buenos Aires Delivery’s recommendation, I thought I’d give Heiwa a try. Heiwa is the Japanese word for peace, and they have a very pretty and well designed website, other than annoying video-game type beeps every time your cursor passes over an internal link. Not peaceful. [Closed]

I will give it that it’s better than Che or Pop. Not by a lot, but better, and running at about the same price. So for that level of quality, you’re getting “more”. But, it’s still pretty average quality sushi – the spicy tuna roll (I knew in advance it was being made from canned tuna, but didn’t know that they’d puree it), had no spice whatsoever, the salmon skin roll was okay, but the salmon skin wasn’t crispy, it was sort of gummy, and the house special, the Heiwa roll, was just sort of uninteresting. Perhaps I should have gone for some nigiri after all. I leave it in the same category with the others – a bit better than okay, not quite up to recommended – there are better quality options, even if you pay a little bit more. And, when it comes to raw fish, I don’t mind that.

Hi han probado maki sushi de azcuenaga y arenales? se ve bien y con verdaderos orientales pero mi presupuesto no me ha permitido ir aun
Si, si lees el post anterior sobre Che Sushi, y el de Sushi Pop, dije que Maki todavia es mi preferencia.
[…] last we left off on our sushi delivery trials, a referral to Heiwa left me less than enthused, though a step up from some of the earlier misadventures. I’ve […]