Back in BA and going to finish up the last two and a half days of New York in a short post, as most of it was not all that interesting on the food front. Spent the day on Saturday at the dojo – we were testing a group of students for their next level promotions, and I got the evil job of running them through two hours of exercises, conditioning and basic movement drills. That was after their one hour run and before their three hours of demonstrating techniques, katas, and knowledge of the art and its history.
Needless to say, by the end of six hours, I was hungry, and grabbed a quick vegetable slice at East 9th Street Pizzeria – it was always my late night go to for a cheap and quick slice – they stay open until 5 a.m. daily. [Closed, replaced by another pizzeria & kebab shop] This was only 3 p.m. Then back to the apartment, changed, and headed out to meet my cousin and his boyfriend/fiance (they just got engaged, I guess I won’t be the first gay marriage in the family). I was figuring on a bit of wandering and hanging out and eating a bit later in the evening, but, they like to eat early and by 6:30 or so we were seated at Mancora, 99 1st Ave. – a neighborhood Peruvian restaurant (I went all the way to NYC to eat Peruvian? Ah well, it’s what they wanted.) It was actually, in a way, nice to try it again, because I haven’t been since being here and gaining an appreciation for more authentic Peruvian. They’re actually pretty good at it, though they definitely dumb down the spicing – I was surprised – New Yorkers aren’t known for being spice-averse, but this was really quite mild.

The boys wanted dessert, so we first wandered into Veneiro’s, talking Italian pastries, but then they spotted gelato and wanted that – I persuaded them to exit and head down to Houston Street to Il Laboratorio del Gelato, at the corner of Ludlow Street. We lined up with the other aficionados and soon had lovely little cups of three flavors each – I went with chestnut honey, tarragon-pink peppercorn, and olive oil. Sublime!
On to the next day where I met up with my friend Tommy and after a nibbled breakfast of some things he brought back from visiting his folks in Pennsylvania, some shoe-fly pie and some fresh made cheese, washed down with coconut milk (hey, it was in his refrigerator), we headed to Koreatown for lunch. We met up with a friend of his, an older Korean gentleman, who we left all decisions to, figuring we might get to try some interesting new stuff, rather than the usual assortment of dumplings and seafood pancakes and such that we always order. We grabbed a table at Miss Korea Barbecue, 10 West 32nd Street, where he asserted was, as they claim, the best Korean BBQ. Only then we didn’t have any, as he ordered several other dishes. Hmmm…

The rest of the day wandering about the city, got a massage, and met up later again with my friend John for a return to Resto where four years ago we had a delightful meal. I didn’t take the camera along, having already reviewed it. In a way a shame, because much of the menu has changed, it’s less pork-oriented and has several lighter dishes on it now. And what they’ve done is opened up a second space next door called Cannibal, where they serve and sell retail only red meat dishes and beer. Now, the two spaces are open to each other inside. They share a common owner and chef. They share some of the cooking facilities. They share the beer list. And, they won’t take orders between the two menus – if you’re sitting on one side, you can’t order from the other. That’s just plain stupidity. I even understand the “we have separate point of sale systems” argument – okay, give us two separate checks. But no. However, we were allowed to go into Cannibal, order at the takeout counter, pay for it, and then one of the waiters from over there brought it over to us (initially he wanted us to come get it when it was ready, but decided he could walk the ten feet to our table and bring the dishes). Really silly planning – it’s not like one couldn’t easily foresee that this would be a common request. So we had a night of mixed food from the two sides, all of it good.
Next day was my last, and only a half day, and it was pouring rain, so all I ended up doing was having a late breakfast of a last bagel with lox spread, some juice and a coffee, from Bricktown Bagel & Cafe, about a block from where I was staying. Then, it was off to the airport and back home yesterday where, yes, we have more rain and drizzle. Really, just a little more sun over the last couple of weeks would have been nice. You know?

Really enjoyed your NY series, Dan – thank you.
Wish you guys could have been there sharing in the fun with me!
If there are a lot of yummy dishes waiting for the lunch then I won’t mind to run for 3 hours! The dish of ‘ban chan’ has caught my eyes and I even don’t mind of its spicy taste! Thanks for a hunger making post though I’ve had my lunch just before one hour.
Dan, when you try the pulpo al olivo, try to get a kalamata type olive. Here in Chile they would be natural or amarga, with a purple tinge to the meat of the olive. You need a soft fleshed olive. What it is ground up with varies, but whip it up with some mayonnaise and have it with fresh bread and you will never look back!
If only we had the kalamata type olives here! We have black olives, and even ones they called “estila griega”, but they’re just not the same thing.
Thanks for all these detailed posts. I’m planning to visit NY for the first time in August and with all your reccomendations I don’t know where to begin! I think it’s all about planning ahead since I’m taking my 3 year old boy…wish me luck!
Restaurants in NYC are pretty good about children dining – and, they also open far earlier than here in BA (and, likewise, close far earlier). There are so many places to choose from, I wouldn’t know where to begin to recommend. You should definitely try some places that are more quintessentially New York style or “American” style – just because it will be something different from here. Don’t miss Katz’s deli, that’s for sure! Maybe Cookshop or Five Points (both reviewed in past posts that you can find by searching).
Thanks so much Dan! I’ll keep that in mind!