Now that we’ve got a zillion recipes in the Casa S repertoire, and a good number of them that we’re really proud of, I’m focusing the dinners on just one new dish per week, and maybe a tweak to one or two others, but basically four courses which will be selected from past menus. Doesn’t mean I won’t assault you with food porn just to keep you salivating….

No changes here, I’m really happy with this dish – sun-dried tomato and shichimi cheesecake, curried polenta chip, deep-fried cherry tomatoes, fresh grated tomato and olive oil dressing, tomato powder, chives.

Only two changes to our Caldillo de Congrio, basically a Chilean fish chowder – there were several folk this weekend with shellfish allergies, so we left out the shrimp. Also added in some fresh sweet corn, which makes it a little more chowder-like.

Some tweaks to our heart of palm fritter – instead of the milder chili that I’ve used in the past I decided it could use being “kicked up a notch” and used habanero chili – just made it all the better. Still with our creamy avocado Italian dressing, changed the guarnición from cherry tomatoes to a fine dice of roasted carrots and beets, and a little pinch of radish sprouts on the side. Prettier and tastier – that touch of sweetness from the roasted vegetables provides a nice balance to the spicier flavors.

This was the new dish for the week. Grilled albacore tuna steak. Sauteed cauliflower and broccoli. A black fennel puree (well, more brown, I couldn’t use the squid ink to make it really dark because of the shellfish allergies). The sauce, a favorite – my version of a traditional Tuscan “piquant sauce” – saute white onion in olive oil and butter. Add a little flour and cook just enough to cook out the raw flavor. Add chopped pickles, capers, anchovies and garlic. Cook another minute or two and then add a mix of white wine, red wine vinegar and tomato paste, bring to a simmer and cook until thickened. You have to like pickled flavors for this one, and I could tell there were a couple of people over the week who weren’t all that into it, but it really is delicious if you do.

Apple walnut tart. Rosemary infused whipped cream. Amaretto caramel sauce.