Pretty slim pickings on the leftover photos from January. First off, a new little project that, at least for the moment, I’m having fun with. I get asked all the time where our guests at Casa S come from, so I started actually keeping track. And while it doesn’t indicate percentages, I’ve started posting a map that shows where everyone who showed up each month is from, updated daily. You can right click on the map and display it in a new tab to get a bigger size look at each, if you so desire.
In terms of the numbers, for those interested, which probably number “1”, me, but who knows: 167 guests total at 18 dinners, including 3 private dinners. 91 folk from the US, 29 from Canada, 7 Argentines, 6 from the UK, 4 each from Australia and France, 3 each from Denmark and Italy, 2 from Singapore, Angola, Brazil, Netherlands, Lebanon and the Ukraine, and 1 each from Russia, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Papua-New Guinea, Mexico, Portugal, Israel, and South Africa. That’s a slightly higher percentage than normal for the US, but I think that’s fueled by the three private dinners being 100% from there, and in a way it’s even a bit higher as the 4 Eastern bloc folk are all, for the moment, living in the LA area. Now that I’m tracking this, we shall see.

A bit of wall art just off of Parque Las Heras.

Butterflies have been flitting through the garden and house.

A spider attempted to takeover our patio doorway, unfortunately for him/her that just wasn’t happening. This was created overnight, broomed away, and re-created the next night before I had to, well, send him off on a quest to visit Elortha no Shadra, or for the non-gamer folk, Anansi.

I thought I was grabbing a cheap dinner of lamb’s tails when I was in the supermarket, figuring on braising them with the last of our multi-colored carrots and some chickpeas all served over some pasta. When I got home I realized they weren’t tails but backbone sections. A bit less meaty but still just as tasty.
And that’s about it for January – you’ve already seen the other dishes played around with over the month with my various fish recipe posts recently and the Casa S dinners. February is in full swing already and away we go….