Started off last week on another walkabout with the intent to snap a photo every 100 paces or so. Almost immediately decided it would be more interesting to snap photos of people on the streets – it was a beautiful day, everyone was out. But, I’d not brought along my zoom lens, so at that point, it becomes difficult to shoot photos of people passing you by without being annoying.
I went with the shoot from the hip method, fired off hundreds of shots as I walked, and then, in review, knocked those down to about 50 for the day. Too many shots are blurry, the people aren’t framed well, or, they’re simply not as interesting as I thought, at least from that angle. It’s interesting how many people still either suspect or figure out what you’re doing.
So, I culled through the 50 and picked out 9 that I particularly like.

To smoke or not to smoke, that is the question.
Eat your damn oatmeal. It’s the right thing to do.
Oh no you dint jus’ take my photo…
I can feel your halo, halo, halo…
Really? On a day when my hair is purple?
I’ve got that in another color…
No I was not wearing this outfit yesterday…
And that, is how you nail it.
It’s morphin’ time!