I was sure when I posted a week or so ago about the various gastronomy festivals sponsored by the city in the “BA Celebra…X” series, that the huge multi-ethnic Festival de las Colectividades was the culmination of them all. I was wrong. Another two this past weekend – Croatia & Italy. The first, a mere dozen or so booths, of which only four were serving food, and maybe, maybe, over the course of the hour and a half I was there, two hundred people showed up. I imagine that’s reflective of the size of the Croatian community here. The second, two full blocks long, and at the opening bell, at noon, there had to be well over a thousand people already waiting and milling about. I’m sure several thousands came for the food (thirty or more stands serving up various treats) and music. Heavy on food and info about the Calabrese community, so I’m guessing that’s the core of the Italian population here. Still, a few of the lesser known areas, like Trentino-Alto Adige, Molise, and Basilicata, had their moments in the sun.